B.Ed Syllabs

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    Syllabus and Marking Scheme of CET for B.Ed. (Regular) Course-

    The Online CET comprises of one paper with three sections:
    Mental Ability - 40 No. of Questions; 01 Marks Questions; and 40 Total Marks
    General Knowledge - 30 No. of Questions; 01 Marks Questions; and 30 Total Marks
    Teacher Aptitude - 30 No. of Questions; 01 Marks Questions; and 30 Total Marks
    Total - 100 No. of Questions; 1 per Question; and 100 Total Marks
    The questions will be objective Multiple-Choice Questions with Four options
    There is no Negative Marking.                                 
    The time allotted is One Hour Thirty Minutes
    Medium of Test will be English and Marathi
    The mode of examination is online.
    Contents of the Sections:
    Mental Ability (40%): The content of this test aims to judge your reasoning power It also helps to judge how accurate you can think. This test will contain questions based on Series, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Relationship, Analogies, Classification, Problems on Dice, etc., either in Verbal or Non-Verbal form.
    General Knowledge (30%): The aim of this section is to test how well you are acquainted with the happenings in the surroundings at Local, National, International Level including Past Events, Current Affairs including, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Civics, Political Science and Literature in General.
    Teacher Aptitude (30%): The Test aims to know your capacity to become teacher. It will contain questions related to your keenness to update your knowledge, leadership qualities awareness about changes in Education and Society, communication and Professional commitment etc.


Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University

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