SSR Documents

Academic Calender   |     Enquiry





Criterion-V- Student Support And Progression


Sr No. Title Supportive Document
1 2 3 4
5.1.1 A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution such as View
( Upload any additional information )
( Reports of Photos with Dates & Captions )
(Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative )


(Paste link for additional information)
5.1.3 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases such as View
(Composition of the Student Grievance Redressal Com.)


(Paste link for additional information)
5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways such as: View
(Additional Info. - Group & Health Insurance)
(Income Expenditure Statement)
(Paste link for additional information)
5.2.1 Number of students of the institution placed as teachers/teacher educators during the last five years View
( Upload any Additional Information- School letters Regarding Placement)
- -  
5.2.2 Number of outgoing students progressing from PG / M. Phil. to Ph.D. View
(Documentary Evidence in support)
(Paste link for additional information)
5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state/ national level examinations (eg: NET/SLET/ TET/ CTET) during the last five years View
( Copy of Students NET SET Certificates)


(Paste link for additional information)
5.3.1 Student council is active and plays a proactive role in the institutional functioning. View
(Documentary Evidence for Alumni Role in Institution)
(Paste link for additional information)
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution during the last five years View
( Report of the Cultural & Sports Events)
( Copy of Circuluar/ brocture Inc. Photos)


(Paste link for additional information)
5.4.1 Alumni Association/Chapter (registered / non-registered but functional) contributes significantly for the development of the institution. View
(Additional information- Alumni Role in Institution for student welfare)
(Paste link for additional information)
5.4.2 Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning such as View
(Additional information- Alumni Role in Institution for student welfare)
( Documentary Evedance for the Selected Claim)
(Paste link for additional information)


(Paste link for additional information)
5.4.4 Alumni Association acts as an effective support system to the institution in motivating students as well as recognizing, nurturing and furthering any special talent/s in them. View
(Additional Info.- Alumni Role in Institution)
( Documentary Evedance for the Selected Claim)
(Paste link for additional information)