SSR Documents

Academic Calender   |     Enquiry





Criterion-VI- Governance, Leadership And Management


Sr No. Titles File Description Supportive Document
6.1.2 Institution practices decentralization and participative management Link for additional information View
(List of College Committees)
6.1.3 The institution maintains transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and other functions Any additional information View
(Annual Reports 2017-18 to 2021-22)
6.2.1 The institutional Strategic plan is effectively deployed Link to the page leading to Strategic Plan and deployment documents View
(Strategic Plan)
6.3.1 Effective implementation of welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff is in place Link for additional information View
(List of welfare measures)
6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminar/conferences workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years Link for additional information View
(Certificate of participation for the claim)
6.3.3 Number of professional development/ administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff Link for additional information View
(Professional Development / Administrative Training Progrmmes Organized by the Institution for Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff)
6.3.4 Percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz, Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC/ HRDC/ Short Term Course and any other similar programmes Link for additional information View
(List of teachers undergoing online / face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz., Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC / HRDC, Short Term Course)
6.3.5 The institution has a performance appraisal system for teaching and non-teaching staff Link for additional information View
(Proforma used for Performance Appraisal for teaching staff)